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For those of you that want to build DDWRT on x86 architecture (for example on ESXi) here is an iso for you to boot from.


Filename: Core6.0-ddwrt-14896.iso
Size: 26421248 (26M)
MD5Sum: 6b79923d4d9819e49983c90ede72415e
SHA: b49ed59a2ba6a1ad5736d4e9095d60d9dd3e8283


This iso boots to a small version of Linux Called Tiny Core.  It runs an ssh server and dhcp server.  It requires two network interfaces when built.  This contains the image build of the x86 vga public 14896 version of DDWRT


  • This ISO was meant to be run in vmware, no testing has been done on other virtualized environments or on a physical platform.  Testing was primarily done on vmware esxi 5.5
  • The first NIC should be the public interface and will get an IP address via DHCP
  • The second interface is the private interface and has a ip address.
  • The hard drive you use must be an IDE drive.  You can create one in Vmware ESXi.
  • On first boot the first NIC may have to be swapped with the private NIC, then you can use your browser to access, configure the WAN interface in setup (initially it is disabled), then swap the interfaces back.  This is an unusual problem.
  • If you want to ssh in, username is tc password is admin

Quick Install Instructions

  1. Boot using the CD and press <ENTER> to get in the OS
  2. You may have to press enter again to view the console
  3. Type ./
  4. Press <ENTER> twice and it should image and reboot your system into a fresh install of ddwrt.


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