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Importing the Certificate Authority

You may have been directed here by some other site to import a Certificate Authority into your System.

This page will show you how to import the Apolonio Trusted Root certificate into Windows and Firefox.  There are other places to import a trusted root certificate as well like Java and OpenVPN, also Linux has its own locations as well, but this only covers Windows which should take care of Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, and a second set of instructions for firefox.

How the Warnings Appear

If you do not import our trusted root certificate you will see this error message when going into our secured sites

Internet Explorer Warning

SSL IE Error

Firefox Warning

Importing Into Windows

Open up Internet Explorer and click

Select Open

You may get a security warning, you will need to click Allow

Click Install Certificate - Next

 Select Place All Certificates in the Following Store, Make sure you use Trusted Root Certificate Authorities, then click next and finish.

Select Yes


An OK for the last time.

 Importing Into Firefox

Click On Tools Options, Go to the Encryption Tab and select View Certificates

Press the Import Button

In the filename section type

This will download the certificate file automatically.

Then press Open

Select the 3 Trust Options. then click the 3 OK buttons.

And you are done.

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