A couple of weeks ago Fry's Electronics had a sale on the Cirago Hi-Speed USB 2.0 7-port Hub.
The model numbers is USH1070
The UPC is 858796051764
Normal Price is $19.99
I have two Raspberry Pi's so I got two of the USB Hubs for them. I liked it so much I went back for a third, I wish I got more and I'll go over why it is such a good fit for the Raspberry PI
If you have a Raspberry Pi, I strongly recommend you consider this for your USB powered Hub
This USB port is unusual in that it has an on and off switch.
Although it is listed as a 7 port USB hub, only 6 of them are for data, the 7th is provides enough charging power for an ipad.
The USB port comes with a 5 Volt 2 Amp AC adapter and USB Cable. Attached to the top is a Keybox 150N Wifi adapter that does not come with the purchase.
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