All I wanted to do was pay my bill on their web site. I was able to log in but got account unavailable.
But I was given a choice.
So starts my adventure
So basically, I stay on hold, but I expect this.
After a bit, someone comes on, so I think
Note the message every two minutes, so I ask if they are human
I think a human finally realized I was calling them out, so they answered my question.
At least this guy said there was a problem, but then he transfers me to someone else without any regard to me.
So more waiting
So I wonder if I am chattinging with a human or robot (note time stamp)
Two minutes later, I say it is a robot.
I chatted with someone for a bit and I ask if there is an office I can make a payment.
I get sent a link.
Web site is so slow, I come back in three minutes to resume my chat. And I get disconnected.
BTW, I have so much time to put this page up because I decided to call and been on hold and bounced around between 3 departments.
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