This is the biggest group run I have done so far.
It was fun, I must admit. Usually I am a solo runner but having to keep pace with someone else is good.
Ran 7 miles today
Time was decent, 1:21:56 making my mile a hair better than 12 minutes. I need to get that down to under 10 but today it was about distance not time. I think I was clocking better than an 11 minute mile in the beginning but I certainly started to slow down in the end. Seems that the huge drop off is at mile 5.
Also wanted to post the “Marathon Math”
So we got 12 weeks before the Marathon (1/2), that is 13.1 miles we have to be ready for, if you use linear math, it is really really tough to prepare for it. Say you run 1 mile on week 1, then 2 mile on week 2, then 3 mile on week 3. It is tough on you in the beginning. But say you do it geometrically (using calculus we all forgot in high school or excel and making guesses), you increase your distance by 27% each week, you should meet your goal. That should be easier to accomplish.
Week Distance
1 1.00
2 1.27
3 1.61
4 2.05
5 2.60
6 3.30
7 4.20
8 5.33
9 6.77
10 8.59
11 10.92
12 13.86
I did not make weight this week, but I did lose, I think if I ran 11 miles this week I would have made it.
Weight: 252.2