Based on my running this morning, I certainly have a hard time getting started.
Yesterday I ran a good 5k, this morning I struggled running my 2 lap, specifically the first mile. I looked at my watch after the first lap and it said 15 minutes, but my time did show once I got moving my time was OK
Time: 28:05.
Still hitting gym today in trying to keep with theme of burning 1000 calories per day.
This is an official weigh in, I should be on track to crack 250 by April 9th.
Also had a bit of a challenge this afternoon in the gym, I got into a car accident, just a fender bender no injury but it was certainly in my head as I worked out. But in a way I was more driven to finish my workout.
I did burn over 600 calories on the treadmill.
Weight: 256.2