Kind of done with my server room refit.
Here are some pics, need to clean up a bit, hopefully I censored what needs to be censored.
Room is still hot, always will be.
New Dell T410 is up and serving VMs, also I replace the case of one of my servers from an old beige one to a modern black one.
Here are the other towers I have in the server room. I think I can turn off one of them. also note the last of the beige boxes on the right.
The new rack is much cleaner than the old rack. I am working so I can power off three of the four servers racked in here and only turn them on when learning. That should bring down the heat.
Here is the old DIY rack. Cheap to build, and more U’s, but hard to work with.
The picture is actually to show that the device to power it on and off is connected.
Functionally I am done, just need to dust and clean off the cobwebs.
I did hit my fitbit goals today.
Weight: 291.0