I want to purchase something called vbucks for my son to use in a game called Fortnite.
I have read some stories where a child would run up the bill in Fortnite, which makes me wary of giving out my credit card.
So I went on a quest to find a prepaid credit card to use with Fortnite, and I came across some Internet posts saying I should use a Mastercard, not a Visa. Then I heard of some people recommend the use of vanillacard a prepaid credit card.
Couple things on this journey
- The only place I have found this card was at Walmart, and you have to load it in their money line. When I was there the line was long.
- I then tried Walgreens, Rite Aid, Albertsons, Target, and Staples, most had Visa, and the only one that had a Vanilla Card was Rite aid and it was a Visa.
- Then there varying costs, some had a $6 setup fee others were lower like $2 but had a monthly charge, some you could reload for $5. What a ripoff. I feel for these people that do not have a credit card.
- Maybe it was a sign, so I got home, did I bit of research, vanilla card is a lousy company.
It was an interesting learning experience, in the end, I am going to use a credit card that I rarely use (kind of need to put some activity on it anyway). Then immediately remove it from the account after I purchase the vbucks. I will monitor this account, I do so anyway.
With all this, I did not get a chance to run.
Also did not photograph my new shoes.
To top it all off, I kind of ate bad stuff at the Farmer’s Market (not too bad, corn aint that bad, and some sips of a sugary drink)
Weight: 278.4