Sad news is that my Cholesterol has not gone down, BUT, I did need to point out that it has been a rough 2 months and it is kind of hard to say that this is what my Cholesterol is. So she has given me 4 months to fix it. I will rock it you will see.
Another cool thing is that my niece has been interested in running the marathon as well. I fowarded her a general plan, I will post it here for posterity
Dec – Evaluation, seeing where my body is at, I am kind of in maintenance mode during this time. I would recommend you see what you can do at this time. How fast you can run, see how long it takes you to run a mile (or even if you can run a mile). Weigh yourself, choose a time and be consistent, for example, in the morning After your workout, before breakfast, in shorts and t-shirt. Read up on supplements you will want to take, may protein and a multivitamin. Also tape (measure) your body. December is where you set your goals based on these evaluations.
Jan – Since the holidays are behind you and it is a new year, it is time to get into a pattern. I am not saying start running 4 miles a day, but establish a routine. Based on my evaluations so far, I think I will do a real workout 3 times a week, with some stretching and pushups and sitsups the other 4 days. My eventual routine is Mon Run, Tue AM Run, Tue PM Gym, Wed 1000 cal workout, Thu Low Intensity workout, Fri AM Run, Fri PM Gym, Sat Long Run, Sun Yoga or Video Exercise, but this is way down in April or May.
Feb – You should have lost 5 to 10 lbs by the end of this month. Your body is going to get used to working out 3 days a week. You will need to increase intensity a bit. That 1 mile that was so hard to run early January should be nothing. Daylight savings should allow you to run in the mornings.
Mar – You may start to slow down the rate at you are losing weight but it will still continue to lose weight. Start to look at your measurements, is your tummy getting smaller? Thighs? Also look at your speed. Late March is when you start to look at those Long Saturday runs, by then you will hit the 12 week start point for your actual marathon training. If you have not done anything at all, now is the time to start. It will absolutely be harder if you start now though, that is why we look at starting way back in January. Look online at 12 week marathon training plans, but you will start off maybe at 4 miles then add each week.
Apr – Starts to get more intense, don’t worry, if you started in January, you will be tempted to try and run 10 miles just to see if you can do it, and you probably will be able to. But you should be able to do at least 8 miles. To put it in context, you should be able to run from my house to Auntie’s by the end of March.
May – You should be feeling awesome, you will be in shape to do the 1/2 by this time. I recall this year at the end of May I was able to do it. Check this blog post out
June – Now you are looking at schedule, you can actually rest a little. Race week will be critical, especially the day or two before the run. You don’t want to eat something that will have you crapping during the race.
It is fun, remember, I did it, and I am an overweight, asthmatic, gout afflicted, old man.
I had a most excellent workout today, mostly upper body which I feel I have not lost much.
Weight: 259.6