PreRace 2015

I spent the day getting my stuff ready.  I really should prep a lot of this stuff the weekend before even though I usually take Friday off.


I feel like my schedule has been off because of the rush to get things done.

For example I could have gotten my music list together, last weekend, I am now putting it together last minute.

My goal is to beat last years time.  If I can just get it to under 3:45 I will be happy.

Also took advantage of some deals at the expo this year, four of us signed up for Seafair at $25 each.

Also signed up for next year’s Rock and Roll but if my son’s graduation is at the same time, it absolutely will take precedence, but I may be able to work around it, I may opt out.  I paid a $10 to have a chance at a refund.


Always said I was going to sleep at 8PM before these races, gonna try again.  Will report tomorrow on how it goes, it is still bright daylight.

I have a pass on working out today, but will sneak in some pushups and situps.

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