Mood Food presentation

Attended a presentation on mood food.

Here are some excerpts of the presentation, which I typed on my phone while it was happening.  Pardon the typos.

Chocolate and carbs increases you sugar that gives you a food high.

Trying to diet after diet can lead to a loss of control.

Learn from your past experience set small goals focus on what you want acknowledge positive changes.

Get rid of stuff that does not work.

Some times the big picture is overwhelming.

Have people speak into your situation.

Identify your triggers. Boredom or stress.

Set realistic action based goals.

Enlist support,

Keep an ample supply of water and healthy snacks.

Find out what strategies work.

Limit processed sweets.

Do away with all or nothing.

80 20 rule. Try 80 to do the best you can for 20% do things that are not necessarily in your health plan.

Spice up your food choices.

Savor your food.  Slow down wheating hhe your food.

Monitor your progress.

Celebrate your achievements with non food rewards.

Learn from your mistakes.

Take your time. Brain takes 20 minutes to register fullness.

Move your body.

Look elsewhere for comfort.

Talk to coworkers.

Deep breaths stretching.

Drink plenty of water.

Stay active.

Distract yourself.

Sometimes it is not enough to do yourself. .. try nutritionist doctor psychologist group support program.

Weight watcher

Stressed. Spelled backwards is desserts.

For late night…
Popcorn a bath, protein with carb (sliver of  burger)

Monitor your progress towards your goal.

Just did pushups and situps.

Weight: 310.2

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