Here’s an interesting problem I often come across, I often need a password from a customer, email is bad because things are sent in the clear, a password protected document requires the password to that document.
Two things did come to mind, GPG (or PGP from its commercial cousin) and an encrypted web page that my customer can log in to an “drop” a password.
Last night I was able pull out the GPG executable from the Windows GPG command line version so a customer can encrypt a document with my key. I put the binaries up on a share.
But I think the web page has more promise, simpler and easier.
I will look into a solution like that
Anyway, back to my workout, I been reducing my training and I am actually seeing some benefit. The first is I can focus on work which is at a high this time of year. The other is my plantar fasciitis is actually going away.
Just did pushups and situps, giving it another week and a 1/2 before I spin up my regimen again.