Today I spoke to the retrofit advisor named “Jade” for an hour today.
A lot of the stuff she explained makes sense, but one thing you need to do is be motivated to try this.
I like the concept of food, although you record it similar to my fitness pal, they try to simplify it by having you split your plate into 1/2 then 2 quarters. 1/2 is produce, 1/2 is protein, 1/4 is starch.
Also I said I would eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, breakfast can consist of a protein shake and snacks are done between meals to keep the metabolism going.
Also I said I will stop snacking after 10PM.
I also set up the fitbit today.
Kind of creepy how it keeps tracks of your activities and uploads it to your web profile.
Setup is easy, you download the installer from
You go through the installer and create an account for your fit bit.
Your stats are sent from your fitbit to the USB dongle to the PC to the web site and collected.
During the process it displays a 4 digit number unique to your fitbit and you enter it into the application.
One thing I don’t like is that for such personal info being collected, the fit bit doesn’t seem to encrypt your web session which makes me wonder if my fitbit data is being sent to the cloud unencrypted either.
The process was pretty simple though.
I finally went outside for a run, ran 1/2 a mile and walked 1 1/2. It is a start.