Final Yoga Session

Wow I made it, 10 sessions of yoga, went by pretty quick, if I didn’t go to VMworld or had late night patching would have been done way sooner.

It was fitting that Teneille, was my instructor.  She was the first one and the last one (I had another session with her in between somewhere).  She made the whole experience satisfying.

Today, I felt like I didn’t want to let her down, I pushed harder, although I had to break off a pose a few times, and a lost balance on a couple, I am happy I lasted and did not lie down.


I was lucky to have this same spot at the studio the ten times I was there. I got to admit, it was because of the clock. Also Teneille set me there the first day and I got used to it.

It was a good workout, I felt the usual good feeling I have after a hard workout, but today I was not as tired, maybe because I opted to bus it home and I had time to relax.

Speaking of the bus ride home, I tried to be helpful with this older lady asking directions, but she kept asking the same questions and not believing my answer.  I kept telling her to get off after we got off of 405.  I tried to be patient but I am not sure she liked my answer so she kept asking hoping for a different answer.

So what now.

I am going back to my gym and running regimen.  Tomorrow I will hit the gym, the goal, to build muscle and to lose fat (note I did not say weight).  I want to bring myself under 250 again and hit  yoga again.  I think the fat impeded my flexibility.

Weight: 274.4

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