Looking good, by this time tomorrow I should have a prototype for software development.
I plugged it into an arduino and it works.
Couple new things about this version, I kind of want to stick with this layout, also it adds an IR on board freeing the need to use an aux port, its modular in that I can add a Nano, or Uno a 16×4 LCD or a 20×4 LCD.
The sketch allows for use with an ethernet shield.
Finally renamed it from cubical communicator to senseandshow.
Here is a close up of an incomplete part, I am calling this the interconnect assembly
It passed my tests of the 3 auxiliary ports and most importantly the LCD. We’ll see how it works tomorrow after I add the 3 LEDs and the IR sensor.
For my workout I am just doing pushups and situps, I am now feeling the soreness from yesterday’s workout.
My personal trainer said something interesting to me, she said most people that she met that claim they are heavy cause of genetics are wrong. But she said in my case it may be true because of the way I carry my weight, it does not look like I am over 260lbs.