There is a difference between effort and performance, both are related but they are different.
For example, today I put in a B effort, I just did not have it in me, I was tired, still kinda full from lunch, and my breathing was bad. I could have pushed harder but I just could not get over those challenges. So my performance sucked, I ran a 1 lap and walked 1, and the result was below what I wanted but it was OK.
Time: 12:32.3
Performance on this route can be measured subjectively
Under 10:30 would be an A,
11:59 to 10:30 would be a B,
13:29 to 12:00 would be a C,
15:00 to 13:30 would be a D,
Anything slower than 15 minutes would be failure UNLESS it was untimed
Effort is a little more subjective, basically if at the end of the run I had nothing left, an A
If I had some left but pushed enough to get me the next grade in performance than that would be a B
If I had some left but just needed a wee bit more to get e to a better grade in performance than that would be a C
If I am just running to get it over with that would be a D
If I quit for no physical reason at all that would be an F
Still subjective the effort grade can surely be changed.
So I would grade my performance today as a C and effort a B, Effort a B because I think if I did not futse with my phone and ran with it in my pocket to get time and had a watch my performance would have been a B.