I was born in the USA so I am a US Citizen, but today I helped a relative become a US Citizen.
What an interesting experience
We left my place at about 11:20AM for a 12:10 appointment. We were informed not to get there more than an 1/2 an hour before the appointment.
We got there and parking was interesting, there was a a kiosk to pay, but opted to use the mobile app. Parking was $8 but on the app it it was 8.50.
Security was like going through the airport, take off jacket and belt but everything in a bin and get it scanned.
Then you stand in a line and check in. Upstairs there is a waiting area, I can’t speak to what happens, cause I was not allowed to go in, but they went into a room when their number was called for an Interview. What was interesting was that the people next to us got there before us yet got called in after us.
Recall it was a 12:10 appointment, we missed the 1PM ceremony so we hung around till the 2:30 Swearing in ceremony. The waiting continued in the auditorium but we were doing stuff like swearing in and got the certificate by 3PM.
Treated them to a celebration late lunch.
Weight: 338.0