Wanting To Know Why

Today I got the other SMS gateway working, the frustrating thing is I do not know why it worked. There is an innate need for me to understand what is going on.

The command that made it work was

qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --wds-modify-profile="3gpp,1,apn=,pdp-type=ipv4v6"

Now it could be something else I did that was right, I wasn’t methodical with my approach.

Also discovered a new WWAN tool called mmcli or ModemManager, it has a component to troubleshoot the device and send SMS messages. Different chip though, the other one is a SIM7670G this new one is a Sierra Wireless EM7455B.

Also subscribed to Tello, SIM should be coming in next week. No sign up costs (but you have to buy a SIM) and no termination fee. “Out the door” was a little more than $10, monthly it will be another $5 + taxes.

Contrast that with the 3D printer, the firewall was not sending the SSDP packets, I found a tool that does it for you, so you can trick your device into seeing the printer. I wiresharked it and saw what was going on.

I got both printers making gridfinity models. It is amazing how much faster the Bambu is though. It just works.

Weight: 338.0

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