Finally here in Vegas… wow, I can hear the slot machines calling me from downstairs.
Trip not turning out right though,
First off when I was at home, I was rushed into finishing the back deck, but it looks finished enough (a few more odds and ends that can be delayed)
Second, lost my Company Blackberry on the Plane. That is a real bummer.
Third, Sticker Shock, dang, I feel guilty, drinking the bottled water in the room, a freaking 500ml bottle for $5, where is the fiscal responsibility in that, I need water, can’t live without it. Dinner was over $60, really, geez, Internet is in added cost, $20 a day. I think the pay that a month at home for DSL, and the speeds do feel like DSL speeds.
Maybe because everyone in vmworld is on the internet.
Too burnt out to hit the gym, kinda a worn down, but not worn down enough to go check out the casino later.
Doing pushups and situps in my room.