Couple years ago I set up an MQTT server on AWS. MQTT is meant more like a private server to me. But there was a need. So for my future self
This was needed to set it up
allow_anonymous false password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd listener 8883 IP.GO.HE.RE certfile /etc//mosquitto/cert.pem cafile /etc/mosquitto/chain.pem keyfile /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.key
Then to add a password
mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd alice
For the client to connect it is something like this
mosquitto_pub -h IP.GO.HE.RE -t test/topic -p 8883 --cafile fullchain.crt -u "alice" -P "abcd1234" -m "Testing"
Kind of cool, but just in case I need an MQTT Mosquitto server in the future.
Today got my steps done early and easily.
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