I did a lot today
- First off had a decent sleep.
- I got up and was able to get ready.
- I decided to do my first meeting from home. While waiting for the meeting I paid some bills off a did some pre Friday finance work.
- After the meeting I went in to work. Got coffee with a coworker.
- Visited a friend leaving for Hawaii for about 1/2 an hour.
- Did some work with coffee coworker.
- Did some server room recon.
- Found out I was getting a raise
- Went to renew my badge
- Got me steps done before 3PM
- Went to repc after work, do get some GBIC, got inside track on HP 1L box.
- Went home and did more work. Patching computers.
- Played with my firewall.
- Posted Here
Busy day.
Weight: 348.4