Shortest daylight of the year was today, based on this web site
We got 8 hours 25 minutes and 25 seconds of daylight.
Tomorrow we will get 8 hours 25 minutes and 26 seconds of daylight.
Woohoo a whole second.
Just kidding, feels good though, knowing it will get brighter.
Still work day was long, no time for gym, but with that said, got a huge task done. Took months.
Didn’t know UPS store did passport photos, kind of pricey at $15.99 + tax. But wanted it done and NO issues. Followed the passport instructions to the T. Too late to ship it today but will ship it tomorrow for sure.
While I was at UPS store, returned a hard drive, it was too large. Needed 2.5″ instead of 3.5″
I suspect we will have a bunch of returns.
Weight: 346.8