A lot of cool things happened this weekend, but wanted to put an important milestone first, not for me but my son.
He ran his first timed 1/2 marathon.
We left the house at 5:45AM to make it to the 7:30 start line, but we were rushed.
In the future maybe we should leave at 5AM. We did make it with 5 minutes to spare.
Couple other notes for my future self, bring a Cell Phone charger and pack, I ran through mine real quick for a reason. Another thing was dry clothes. It was cold and he was shivering pretty bad in the medical tent. I had three layers but could make due with 2. So I gave him my dry under shirt.
He ran it in 2:00:18 but he was clearly hurting at the end, but I think he vowed to do better next year and I vowed to join him.
Back to the weekend recap, got a lot done, First was of course Thanksgiving, house was cleaned pretty well.
Then was black Friday, I ordered some things like hard drives and a couple of Rack mount cases, to replace my backup server (maybe) and a zoneminder box (for sure)
Also celebrated a birthday, but Saturday was kind of chill, but did go to the Casino.
Did get most production machines backing up using URbackup
Sunday was this race as mentioned, but we also did our xmas photos and I got my fitbit steps.
Noticed the SSD in my ZM box kicked off some SMART errors.
I feel accomplished but tired.
Weight: 347.4