July 1st, half of year gone by. Time for a little reflection.
The year has not been bad, but I am not where I wanted to be health wise and financially.
The house is coming together, it is getting neater and my projects are coming through but I still struggle with getting them across the finish line.
Couple things I would like to do
- get my weight under 310. That is a lot to ask, but I really want to get it done.
- Get my network upgraded to Rocky 9, even though the future is uncertain for RHEL distros.
- Automate with ansibile, including cloud stuff.
- Get the 433Mhz gateways up
- Get visual audio alarms up
- Get second core strip installed
- Massive 48TB installed.
There are other non public ones. But here are the ones willing to say.
Today I walked a 5k, when got home, even though I had breakfast I was under 340. Barely
Got the arduino audio visual alert running.
Got the rasperry pu audio visual alert started.
Got the wemos D1 mini 433mhz sensor working. I screwed up, I burned out one due to mis wiring. Need to order replacements now. But eh development board is running.
Did hit my fitbit goals.
Weight: 339.8