Wasn’t able to get much steps in today, but I got it done. I was in class most of the day learning ansible.
So for future reference here is how I install it on to Rocky Linux 9. Note that you will need a Red Hat account, although it is free.
First build you Rocky 9 machine and make sure to modify /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid and add the follow (where ansibleuser is the account you will use)
sudo dnf -y install ansible-core
sudo dnf -y install python3-pip
pip install --user ansible-navigator
podman login registry.redhat.io
podman pull registry.redhat.io/ansible-automation-platform-22/ee-supported-rhel8
In the user’s home folder create an ansible folder
In that folder create a file named inventory with the list of machines you want to manage
vi inventory
Also create an ansible config file
vi ansible.cfg
inventory = ./ansible
remote_user = ansibleuser
ask_pass = false
become = true
become_method = sudo
become_user = root
become_ask_pass = false
On each of the hosts make sure the ansible use can sudo
You should be able to test, here are some sample commands
ansible-navigator images
ansible-navigator run -m stdout ping-web.yml
ansible-navigator inventory -m stdout --list
ansible-navigator inventory -m stdout --graph
ansible -m ping all
ansible -m shell -a 'hostname' all
ansible -m shell -a 'id' all
ansible -m shell -a 'echo "hello" > /tmp/hello.txt' all
Got a new filament holder for my 3D printer, one that has bearings and actually spins to reduce friction when feeding the printer. It also extends the spool a few inches outwards so it feeds in a more straight path.
Going to test a few runs, see if it improves things, could be the filament, and it is wet.
Still chugging along
Weight: 337.0