What a great trip, the job I came out to do went really smooth, I got to visit some old friends of mine and visit the island I grew up on.
This entire trip, including some work I had to do, felt like a great trip down memory lane.
The bad thing is that I felt like I gained some weight while I was here. The problem with going down memory lane is that you tend to eat the foods that made you fat in the first place.
I did run this morning and I was able to run a two mile route that I was struggling with for most of this trip.
At least on the trip home I was able to actually open up my laptop and type out this blog post. I do not think I could have done this 2 years ago.
Still I am bothered by how much I ate during this trip, and will need to detox and lose some weight before I can start pushing again.
Rock and Roll Marathon is less than 6 weeks away, I need to step it up if I am going to make it. I foresee some big struggles in the next few days.