One of the reasons I purchased these TP-Link devices is because they can be used without an Internet Connection.
Up until now I needed an internet connection to set them up. I have figured out how to setup them without an Internet connection using the python-kasa utility I mentioned a few posts ago.
Here is how it goes
On the box should be a MAC address, add it to DHCP and make sure it has a proper DNS
Power on the light bulb, it should start up its own wifi network and you can attach to that network and web in to the device
Connect to Wifi it creates, it should be open
Power on VM connected to that Wifi or Laptop device connected to that wifi, should be set to DHCP will get a IP
Use the python tools to scan and join the appropriate wifi network
kasa –host wifi scan
kasa –host wifi join –password PSSWORDHERE mywifissid
Weight Getting close but not there.
Weight: 319.6