One of the things I put together, mainly to support Raspberry Pi, in the past was a KVM Kit that simply included a monitor and keyboard. I do not recall posting it here, but it was AV only, the old school RCA ports.
So this is version 2, which is HDMI, but the catch is it requires a laptop.
The keyboard came in today. It is Perixx PERIBOARD-510H Plus keyboard and mouse combo.
There is an HDMI to USB connector that works incredibly well. In addition I have adapters for the old Raspberry Pi B, the newer Raspberry Pi 4B and the Raspberry Pi Zero.
I have some USB adapters in this kit, this includes a USB-C plug for power, an Ethernet to USB adapter for Raspberry Pi A, and Raspberry Pi 0. Also two types of adapters for OTG adapters, I tiny one that goes in a the adapter and an actual cable. Finally a USB fhub.
Power comes from an AC to DC adapter, and a power brick. I have two AC/DC adapters with plugs that can be removed to provide micro usb or USB-C, what is interesting is that they are reversed.
This is all to provide power and connectivity for various raspberry pis.
As a bonus, I have an VGA to HDMI converter, it works but there is latency.
I think I have enough for an additional kit.
So here is the list in text form, also some of the items listed are not pictured
- USB Keyboard Mouse
- HDMI to USB adapter
- OTG Adapter
- Standard HDMI Cable
- Standard HDMI to mini HDMI adapter (for Pi 0)
- Standard HDMI to micro HDMI adapter (for Pi4)
- USB to Ethernet Adapter
- AC Power adapter with USB-C and micro usb adapter
- Micro USB Cable
- Mini USB Cable
- HDMI to VGA Adapter
- SD card USB Adapter
- MicroSD cards.
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