Monthly Archives: September 2024

Seahawks win again

I woke up earlier than I wanted to and headed into the office. Missed the Seahawks kickoff but I did see the win. 49ers lost, so the Seahawks are #1 in NFC West. I been really tired today, should have … Continue reading

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Not Too Bad Habit

I did not revert back too much on my weight, kind of hanging in there. Days are getting dark which is a bummer, got 1 last day to meet my goal of running parkrun at end of summer. Rain or … Continue reading

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A Break of Sorts

It is 7:35PM as I post this, I got my 10k steps and 10 floors. Also I have not eaten yet at all today, so I am going to be bad and go to Snoqualmie and have a Buffett and … Continue reading

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Long Day At Work

Brutal brutal day, arrived at the office at 10AM worked till about 6PM then about to head back for a 10PM task. I am tired, at least not sick. I need a milestone, haven’t had one in months, but I … Continue reading

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Home Late Felt Early

Got home at about 8PM, but been working so hard, that it felt early. I am feeling ok, I can taste, strength is back, but need to still wear mask at work. I think I can go mask free next … Continue reading

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Back to the Office

Went back, in person to the office today. Have to admit, for a team that is busy we did not do much. Most of it waiting for gear to appear. Got my steps done though, probably sleeping early. Weight: 330.2

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One More Day of Recovery

Was going to go into work today, but my body said no. I got to work from home but I was still pretty fatigued. But after 2PM I started feeling better. Weight: 329.0

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Welcome Football 2024

Seahawks played its first game of the year and won. I did not do much today, I rested a lot. Debating if I should go to work tomorrow. I am at the edge. Maybe will go in late. Weight: 328.4

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Break from Swim

Taking a needed one week break from swim. Next swim will be a week from tomorrow. I need it, all day been on and off sleeping, still recovering. Lost sense of smell and taste, last time it took 5 days … Continue reading

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Mental Strength

Been feeling tired and weak today, this covid hit today when I thought it was behind me. But I did push through, body weak, will still there to overcome. Weight: 327.4

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