Monthly Archives: August 2024

Not an Early Person

Couldn’t sleep last night but had to get up early to drive to a bit into traffic downtown for an MRI. I was exhausted when I was done, the whole day I was tired but kept working. Attended my meetings, … Continue reading

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Left Knee A Problem

I thought my knee was good, but I think I hurt it, not sure when. I was on the treadmill today and it had a minor buckle or two. Got through it but kind of worried. Need to increase strength … Continue reading

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Steps Done Early

Got my steps done early today but not the floors. With the extra time, I cleaning up my office. It is a mess and all of the junk has been transferred to the living room. Following the same play is … Continue reading

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Weekend Weight Stagnation

Over the weekend my weight has not gone down a lot. I think I may have eaten unhealthy stuff, not sugary just high carbs. Hoping the weight slide continues. I will feel better if I touch under 330 again. Did … Continue reading

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Early Day

Been a while since I had a free evening, but got my steps and floors done early today. Also some chores done, threw out a bunch of stuff, house is opening up. Still a lot to go, but nice imporvement … Continue reading

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School Financed

Got my son financing done for school, crazy how expensive it is. Anyway he should be set once he heals. Weight went up a bit, kind of expected. Weight: 336.8

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Weight Trending Down Again

I know it is unsustainable, but in about a month I lost 10lbs, but it is in the realm of possibility for me to come under 300lbs by the end of the year. It is nice to see weight trending … Continue reading

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Long ER Night

So the big story from yesterday was that my son cut himself trying to climb over this barrier Look like as he was going over his knee caught on the fence and his leg got gashed, but there was some … Continue reading

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Another ER visit

Never a good day if you find yourself here. Not me but my son got hurt training. Anyway posting from th ER, got steps and floors done, but here I am. Unable to upload photo, not sure why. Update: Added … Continue reading

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Too Tired To Clean

A lot of things still need to be done in my office, but too much to do. Just got done at gym using weights On the tech front got a replacement MiFi. Brand is inseego No review yet. Weight coming … Continue reading

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