Monthly Archives: August 2024

Cracked 330

Looking back at July 30th, I did lose 10lbs in a month. So it is possible. There is an outside chance I can crack 300 before the end of the year. On June 21, started swimming, and made it a … Continue reading

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Woohoo Three Days In a Row

OK, been a long week since my work got hacked, but I did it, I recorded 3 straight days of being under 330. So I am officially under 330. I do not think I cracked 300 during Covid era, I … Continue reading

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Feeling Faster

Went to the Y to swim today and felt fast. I got to admit, swimming does give me an endorphin rush. Still sore but not that bad, I gonna hold off on the park run till next week. Need sleep … Continue reading

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No Time For Simple Stuff

With work having problems, time is short. All the little things like cleaning my office, exercise, and getting food takes a lot of effort. Our team has been stretched thin. I barely got to get my swim in today. But … Continue reading

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Youngest Son Moved Out

Remember this when my oldest son moved out, today my youngest son moved into the dorms. Kind of sad and happy at the same time. It is good to see him launching. Work was busy again, time just flies. Weight: … Continue reading

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Another Day Of Recovery

Not talking about health but the repair of the systems. At the office late, ready to head home. Got my steps done. Weight: 334.2

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Not A Normal Sunday

Felt like a work day, it is actually a work day. Got home late last night, around 2AM, was in bed around 3AM woke up at 10AM. Was late for some meetings. Did work and get stuff done, but felt … Continue reading

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Working On A Saturday

Can’t say too much because of opsec (Operational Security) but we were hit with a cyber attack. It is fascinating what goes on inside of an organization fighting an attack. Unfortunately I can’t say much, also I need to go … Continue reading

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Paid for Son’s first Semester

Had to move money around because our loan is still getting processed, but was able to cobble enough funds for his first semester. I am being sarcastic, we are in a good position to have the funds for his college. … Continue reading

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Too Much To Do

My to do list seems long, after last week things are piling up. There are so many little things to do it is getting overwhelming. Today I had a bunch of meetings, and got my swim and steps done, but … Continue reading

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