Monthly Archives: July 2024

Balance of Work and Workout

Thought I could get my steps and swim done early, apparently note. There was an emergency at work and I had to stay and take care of it. In short Digicert was expiring their certs. Anyway just got finished with … Continue reading

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Cracked 340

A month behind schedule, but I was able to crack 340 this month. Hoping I can get to under 330 by the end of August. Watching what I eat was it. Will see what I hit this weekend. Weight: 338.8

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Bad RAM in Desktop

Decided to tackle the problem with bad RAM on my PC Pulled RAM and tested what was left in there, 16GB It is enough for normal conditions but no VMs for me. I went and tested all the other modules … Continue reading

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Semi Productive Day

Not sure how to classify today, got sleep, got my swim done, and cleaned the cars. Not much else though. Lukewarm day then? Anyway, still had 4k steps at night to do, so tired didn’t want to do it. But … Continue reading

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Renton River Days 2024

Looks like this event is coming back, last year was meh, bit this year was much better. We usually stay at the Liberty Park side, but this year finished on the Cedar River Park side by Carco. Got a lot … Continue reading

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Movie Night

Asked my wife to watch Deadpool and Wolverine, we watch these movies early because it is something I wanted to watch without any Social Media spoilers. Didn’t get my steps done but floors are. I should be able to get … Continue reading

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Swim All Done

Got My 4th week of swimming done, now decided to look at the input part of my weight. Going to cut out sugary drinks including juice. Sugar Free is OK Here is the weight Weight: 342.8

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Getting an A in Mozilla Observatory

I been playing around with cloudflare, while doing so, I figured what I needed to do to get an A in mozilla observatory. HTTP Header Security Test – HTTP Observatory | MDN ( First time I got it, broke my … Continue reading

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Got Prep Documents

One of the documents I want to make is the preparation document for a the Linux home server. Got a lot done and it is really a rough draft. Also looking at updating the XCA document. Long journey but still … Continue reading

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Firewall Still Dead

Still down, tried a new power supply, tested the RAM, removed the CMOS battery, I now contacted the manufacturer and posted on reddit to see if anyone else came across this. To makes things worse my made main PC died … Continue reading

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