Short Week, Another Weekend

Was a 4 day week, got a lot done in a short time.

Looking at more WWLAN modules, went to RePC and there were none.

I found something but was told be them that it was mini PCI not M.2

Anyway, want to do some documentation this weekend on setting up an SMS gateway.

Weight: 338.0

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Filament Supply

Ran out of filament again, so in the month of February 2025, I purchased more filament than I have since I got the ender 3.

Part of it is the AMS, another thing that that bambu just works.

Also it is so much easier to replace the filament in the bambu than in the Ender 3.

Technology has improved.

Been a busy day, one cool thing is I got my 10k steps. As I post it is at 11,000 and I do got 10 floors. First time this year.

Weight: 338.6

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Resetting LTE Module

I think I am finally understanding these used modules I have gotten.

These have prior settings in the module that needs to be erased.

This command showed a lot of the prior owners stuff.

qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --wds-get-profile-list=3gpp

I think the fix is from here

In my case I stopped ModemManager

systemctl stop ModemManager

Then launched minicom

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2

Then I ran the following


I waited then actually rebooted the whole machine, I think all I needed to do was reset the module.

When it came back up I went back in to minicom and ran


All those profiles were gone

Also checked


And low and behold it was registered.

Started up ModemManager and I was golden

My day is not done, as I post it is 11:34PM, gonna do some pushups and situps, then head in to the office to run a multi hour job.

Weight: 337.8

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Garage Reclaimed

Kind of a nice thing, I cleared off enough space on my bench table to actually do work. Still working on clearing stuff off. I need to start planning the permanent organization of my workflow.

In addition to the gridfinity project, I printed some DeWalt Drill holders

This is just there start. Going to look at multiple ways to organize my things.

Weight: 338.6

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Making Room

Before I can 5S or sigma six the garage, I need to get rid of stuff. Here is today’s donations

Donations 2025/02/17

That artisan printer been here over a decade. The pressure washer at least a decade too. There is a Dell docking station that needs to go as well and finally, the oldest of the bunch is the Craftsman Light which was part of a kid of tools. I am pretty sure it has been in my home for two decades at least, back then Craftsman was still Good. I now have dewalt and ordered a light to replace the one I am donating. That way I am not using two different battery systems.

Pretty amazing how much space the garage has now. Still a lot more work to go, but it is going.

Weigh in was interesting today, in the morning I was actually 340.2, either gravity changed throughout the day or I lost weight.

Weight: 337.6

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Slowly Getting There

I thought this three day weekend would be enough time to get my garage organized and the dining room area cleared.

Right now it is in doubt.

I did move some stuff around and it feel like there is space, but I just don’t see me being able to finish this weekend.

Weight: 338.4

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Gridfinity, I don’t Know What I need

Over the past few days, I been printing out a bunch of various gridfinity containers.

I don’t know much about them, but I know I need to make a few so I can figure out what works for me.

Unfortunately, their website was flaky today, got some new ones done late.

Weight: 338.4

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Ran Out of Filament

Yesterday it was printers printing away, today it is ran out of filament.

To be clear, I ran out of grey filament on the P1S and black filament on the ender v3 pro.

Furthermore, I noticed the white running low on the P1S as well.

Need a break anyway.

Also today is valentines, yesterday I printed her a heart case with text. First multicolor.

Weight: 339.6

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Printers Cranking Away

Got both printers cranking away making bins for my new gridfinity system.

I got all the base plates done for my drawers, now focused on getting different bins to try out.

Then I will be more selective of the bins I make.

Weight: 336.8

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Wanting To Know Why

Today I got the other SMS gateway working, the frustrating thing is I do not know why it worked. There is an innate need for me to understand what is going on.

The command that made it work was

qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --wds-modify-profile="3gpp,1,apn=,pdp-type=ipv4v6"

Now it could be something else I did that was right, I wasn’t methodical with my approach.

Also discovered a new WWAN tool called mmcli or ModemManager, it has a component to troubleshoot the device and send SMS messages. Different chip though, the other one is a SIM7670G this new one is a Sierra Wireless EM7455B.

Also subscribed to Tello, SIM should be coming in next week. No sign up costs (but you have to buy a SIM) and no termination fee. “Out the door” was a little more than $10, monthly it will be another $5 + taxes.

Contrast that with the 3D printer, the firewall was not sending the SSDP packets, I found a tool that does it for you, so you can trick your device into seeing the printer. I wiresharked it and saw what was going on.

I got both printers making gridfinity models. It is amazing how much faster the Bambu is though. It just works.

Weight: 338.0

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